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Welcome to Lithuania, Kaunas 2022.02.07-11



First day of the project meeting started with a welcome speech. Partners countries had to present their school. Students shared similarities and differences in their schools. After this all students went to 1st activity. This activity was integrated lesson of sport and biology, „Physical activity and pulse measurement task” in the end of task student had to make the hypothesis.



After this activity students were divided into groups and had a tour in the lessons: 10 grade English – Bulgaria, 9 grade Lithuanian language – Romania, 8 grade Math and history – Spain. In the end of first day all students had orientation game in the city center „Kaunas City“  ( they had to found places of the center, mark them, make a photo and come back in right place. Was challenging😊



Energy and Technology Museum in Vilnius. And Tour in Vilnius. All project groups had to make presentation:

Make a short presentation (4-6 slides) about the ENERGY SYSTEM in your country. Think about the following questions:

  • What kind of power plants are there in your country? (take samples with a photo of the largest or the most interesting power plants)

  • What non-renewable energy resources are used in your country? Where do you get them from (do you have minerals, do you buy them)?

  • What renewable energy sources do you use? How popular are they?

  • What do you know about your country's policy on global warming?




Integrated lesson in T. Ivanauskas Museum. All project partners institution have to make presentation: Your task is: find animals and make photos of animals which lives in your country.


After the launch we went to M.K. Ciurlionis museum wheree all partners had a possibility to see virtual paintings of M.K Ciurlionis



Activities in KTU ( Kaunas Technological University)

Students and teacher were visiting KTU University were they had 2 experiments

  • Caffeine extraction from coffee and tea (I stream - 10-13 students)

 II. Do you know what's good? Explore Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, and more. (Stream II - 10-13 students)


In evening all partners had to prepare the presentation from all activities done through the week:

  1. Energy system, alternative sources of energy in their country

  2. Animals in their country

  3. Songs/folk presentation of the country




On the last day of project meeting we started from the last planned research-experiment.

Biology lesson- research ( biology test, we will look at the yeast under a microscope and study the lifting capacity of the yeast).

After lesson we all started to celebrate Lithuanian independed day. All students of the Erudito licejus marching to famous historical place.



Thank you for being together!

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