Schools United by Science
Final Products
The first issue of the project magazine “Hand in Hand with Science” contains short presentations of the partner schools, articles about the experiments carried out by the pupils involved in the project and articles about curiosities from the world of science. The materials sent by each partner team were edited by the project team from Instituto Instruzione Superiore E. Majorrana-A. Cascino (Italy). The magazine was finalised and distributed in printed form during the third short-term exchange of groups of pupils carried out between the 7th and the 11th of February 2022.
The second issue of the project magazine “Hand in Hand with Science” contains articles about famous scientists from each partner country, good practices examples – integrated lessons on various subjects carried out within the project by each partner school. The materials sent by each partner team were edited by the project team from Instituto Instruzione Superiore E. Majorrana-A. Cascino (Italy), in June 2022 and resent to each partner to be printed out.
“Diary pages” - learning journals describing the feelings and experiences of the pupils involved in the project during the six short-term exchanges of groups of pupils. The valuable feedback to be found on each page written at the end of the project reflects the impact had on pupils from each partner country. The materials sent by each partner team were edited by the project team from Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Jorge Juan (Spain) in June 2022.